Game #3 of the collection of team building and party fun games that you can use for your Fun Fridays online

Here are some questions you can use to play:

Did he tell a lie in the last one week?
Does he find himself physically attractive?
Is he confident?
Does he sing when no one is around?
Does he dance alone when no one is there?
Did he take a selfie in the last one week?
Did he change much over the years?
Does he ever sleep walk?
Is he afraid of the dark?
Is he active on instagram?
Does he consider himself a nerd?
Looks at own reflection when walking by mirrors, window screens, windows?
Would he rather touch a snake or spider?
Would he rather die young and happy or old and sad?
Would he like to go back in time and change something?
Has he ever edited own picture to make himself look better?
Has he ever cried to get out of trouble?
Ever drunk dialed an ex?
Has he ever done something cruel for no good reason?
Does he consider relationship with his father a good one?
Ever tried smoking?
Ever cried while watching a movie?
Does he enjoy extreme sports or activities?
Ever wanted to star in a movie?
Considers himself stylish?
Covers his eyes in scary moments in the movie?
Ever talks to himself in a mirror?
Would he be embarrassed to show his google search history
Is he scared when he needs to talk to _____?
Does he think that _____ is cute?
Ever done anything illegal?
Loves mom or dad more?
If he was allowed to marry more than one person, would he?
Would he wear his shirt inside out for a whole day if someone paid him $100?
Has he prayed in last one week?
Would he have voted for or against Trump?
Is he scared of the dark?
Does he like hanging out with parents?
Does he lick his plate?
How long has he ever gone without a shower for one stretch?
Has he ever pretended to like a gift when he didn’t like it?

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